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Our Clients
Our Clients

We create non-dues revenue for our association clients.

We have clients that are small association conferences consisting of a few tabletop exhibitors and large association trade shows. For some clients, our involvement is a temporary or brief support to their Meetings department. For other clients, we become a full partner in their meeting planning with other staff and contractors.  

Case Studies

We know how important non-dues revenue can be to association missions.  We understand the delicate balance between volunteers and staff. We can increase revenue in creative ways while adhering to industry best practices.

Case Studies

Read what our clients and others say about us.

“I was extremely grateful for the assistance of the team from Sponsorship Boost in support of my virtual meeting. There are so many intricacies involved in the system I was using and Katie and Lacey were able to quickly address them or, if they didn’t have an answer, they could get the information for me faster than I could find it myself. They were knowledgeable and always had a smile and positive outlook ready to help me achieve my goals in the time frame I needed. I felt I had a team player working with me to make my event a success. ”


Michele Schultz
Publications Manager

Society for In Vitro Biology


“Thanks, Katie! Seriously, you are such an angel 😊 So glad Cadmium made the decision to bring Sponsorship Boost on for support. Your role is invaluable and I have gotten THE BEST knowledge from our one on ones… it makes things less overwhelming.  I appreciate you, Katie. ”


Raven Hardin 
Account Executive

“I was so fortunate to have Sponsorship Boost’s assistance for our first virtual Annual Meeting and would have been at a real disadvantage without them. Thanks for making the transition seamless!”


Lorenzo Esters
VP, Office of Advancement and Member Engagement

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“I can’t thank you enough for seeing me through this past few weeks.  What a gift to be supported by such wonderful team.
Thanks for being part of my virtual conference immersion, I would not want to do this with anyone else!


Christine Carchia
Senior Manager, Exhibitions & Sponsorship Sales
California Water Environmental Association

“I LOVED your webinar yesterday about virtual prospectus building!... It was incredible to attend a webinar that provided tactical, actionable information that I can could begin using as soon as the webinar ended. THANK YOU for sharing your pragmatic ideas, tips, templates, and more.”


Kelley Hungerford
Expo & Corporate Relations Coordinator

NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation

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“Our exhibits and sponsorship revenue has increased thanks to your interactive sponsorship ideas that create innovative ways for our attendees to connect with our industry partners. The professional staff at Sponsorship Boost have truly become a part of our team and care about our event as a whole. This is what a true partnership looks like!”


Tonya Hutchison, CAE,

Chief Operating Officer,

Association for Vascular Access

"Since bringing Sponsorship Boost onboard, they have transformed every aspect of our exhibits and sponsorship program increasing revenue, improving efficiencies, and bringing a new energy to our exhibit hall that is palpable!"


Jennifer Charron, RN, MSN, CNE,

Chief Operating Officer,

National Home Infusion Association 

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"Sponsorship Boost always keeps their eye on the ball and the exhibit hall. You can be confident that they will consistently reach out to potential and current exhibitors and sponsors, tenaciously pursue answers to sales and organization questions, and make the exhibitors feel welcomed and cared for. Administratively, they take a tremendous burden off our association with high-quality recordkeeping and communications."

Carolyn Kaye,

Senior Manager Meetings and Publishing,

National Association for Gifted Children

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